imet: The Image Expansion Tool

Release 1.3.2


1. Introduction
2. Download
3. Requirements
4. Installation
5. Start
6. Using this program
7. Other versions of GIMP/GTK
8. Getting involved
9. License

1. Introduction

imet is a GIMP - plugin that expanses the region around the midpoint of an image. The expansion can have one of several forms: ellipse, square, .... Quite good results with persons can be obtained if the midpoint of the picture is located on the persons nose (see picture above).

2. Download

You can download this program using the URL:

3. Requirements

imet needs the following components/libraries:
1. UNIX compatible environment (e.g. Linux)
2. GIMP 2.x
3. GTK 2.x
4. pkgconfig
5. gcc (gnu C compiler/make)

4. Installation

Just type:
make install

make install installs this software into the GIMP plugin directory of the current user. If you want to install this plugin globally copy the file imet into the plugin directory of your GIMP installation.

5. Starting this program

First start GIMP. Load an image. Open the context menu with the right mouse button. Select the menu item filter->artistic->imet.

6. Using the program

After calling imet a GUI will open (see picture above) where several options can be adjusted which are the form of the expansion and an inversion swith.The intensity can be any real number, where 0 results in no image change at all, positive numbers in expansion, negative in impansion. The reverse flag is usefull for asymetric filters. Retain borders makes sure that the picture is unchanged at its borders. This may result in better pictures with some filters.

7. Other versions of GIMP/GTK

Using this software with other versions of GIMP/GTK is not tested but maybe possible. You can change the version number of GTK/GIMP in the script. However the appropriate pkg-config file has to be present. Afterwars you have to call


and proceed with the ordinary installation.

8. Getting involved

If you want to participate in developing this software write an email to .

9. License

The Image Expansion Tool (imet) is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Author of this plugin is Tim vor der Brück